5th Feb 2014
Heads up: Last night there was a breakin attempt and the day before a house door opened in 2 properties nearby us (at 102). No entry made apparently in either event. Any one else aware of anything?
4 June 2013
Apparently there has been an attempted break in today, at a house opposite Park Hill reserve. They broke a window with a spade but set off an alarm so nothing taken. A good reminder to be vigilant though!
13th September 2012
Suspicious looking people in white van with tinted windows noticed driving around at Maranatha School. Please be alert if you see this vehicle and check what they are up to
WEEKEND OF 21-22 MAY - 21 Belmont Tce
Over the weekend 21-22 May, a window beside our front door had a hole smashed in it. Nothing else apparently happened - they didn't get in. It looked as though a golf ball (which we had lying around) had been the missile. The hole was nowhere near the lock, so I don't see it as a break-in; maybe they were trying to frighten a cat inside? Or just juvenile devilment? Not much you can do against this sort of thing.
Report of another shed being rifled during the night as well as a letterbox being vandalised. Shed break in looked like work of young people. Police have been informed.
Every morning there is fast food rubbish that has been thrown out of a car on the corner before Maranatha School. Looks like someone travels up there each night and throws out their rubbish as they go by. As it is a dead end up there, it suggests that they live up there. Whether there is any connection with the break ins is unclear, but possible.
Wednesday 26th January, Foster Crescent. Thieves stole tools and broke into house.
Please look to the security of your sheds and garages. Please immediately report any suspicious vehicles or people or ask them what they are doing there. Write down number plates. Keep an eye on your neighbours' properties while they are away or at work.
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