Welcome to the
Hill Road Community Group!
The Hill Road Community Group was formed on 25th January, 2008 with the intention of fostering and encouraging people from Hill Road, Belmont Terrace and Foster Crescent to work together as a community, live more sustainably, get to know each other, help each other and have fun.
It is a voluntary association of neighbours and we encourage people to put forward ideas about how to improve our community.
Every month we have a social event, usually on the last weekend of the month, to get to know each other, brainstorm ideas and projects, build a community of good neighbours and offer each other, and our environment, a helping hand when necessary. These meetings have covered neighbourhood watch, sharing a movie or documentary on community consciousness-raising and discussing how to meet and involve as many people as possible who live in the neighbourhood. See What's On page for next social evening.
We have a Facebook page! Join us there. http://www.facebook.com/HillRoadCommunityGroup
Our Current Projects:
We have formed a small committee to keep our community initiative rolling. Various people have taken responsibility for some of the roles we have identified such as social events, community safety and security, keeping the website up to date, monitoring the noticeboard, track maintenance and plantings and raising community awareness among local residents.
If you would like to contribute ideas and suggestions please do so by posting on the Discussion notes page of this site or on Facebook.
To register on this site (local residents only):
People registered on this website automatically receive an email each time a new posting is made on the site. This is a great hassle free way of keeping in touch with what is happening. You will also be able to post notices, advertise your business or contribute to any of the pages. Please click on the link Request Access at the top right of this page.
To write on the site once you have registered:
1. Login
2. Click Edit on the page required
3. Write and edit just as you usually do
4. Click Save and hey presto!
5. Your posting will automatically be emailed out to everyone registered on the site.
You can also post comments in the Comments boxes on things like: local businesses that have provided great service, ideas for community projects, offers to give a talk on your area of expertise, share a movie or any other idea for our monthly meetings. The space is yours - use it!
When - Friday 21st June. Starts 6.30 p.m.
Where - On the green at 132. Wet/wind weather plan - indoors at No. 147
Cost - Gold coin for each drink please (to cover costs)
Please bring - a cup each, nibbles to share
ARE YOU A MUSICIAN? It would be great to have some live music so bring your instrument along
Friday 21st - Weather not looking favourable for an outdoor event tonight, so we will almost definitely be indoors by the fire at No. 147. See you later!
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