
Discussion notes

Page history last edited by LCV 10 years ago

Flyers delivered 29th Jan. 2015

No. 149 to top of road and back down to No. 140 = 40 houses

No. 138 - No. 60 (cnr. Foster) = 32 houses

Foster Cresc. and Lillian = 36 houses

No. 63 (cnr. Foster) up to No. 147 = 40 houses

Belmont Tce, Coach Lane and bottom Hill Rd up to postbox = 52 houses

Foster Cresc. down to postbox and back = 14 houses

Houses at bottom of Sweetacres = 3 houses

Total = 217


January 2015

Happy New Year to all local residents. Towards the end of this month we will be putting out a letterbox leaflet with a programme for 2015, details of contacts, local groups etc. If you would like to put anything into the leaflet please email lynvigrass@gmail.com asap. Thank you.


2014 Planning meeting held 31.3.2014

Present - Quentin, Debbie, Heather, Alan, Steph, Lyn, Ray.  Apologies - Alison, Sina

  • discussion on footpath upgrade scheduled for the 2015/16 financial year. We would like residents' opinion on this so we can lobby HCC for any particular changes we would like.
  • speeding vehicles. An ongoing problem in our road and often frightening for people walking the road
  • social events for 2014 will include midwinter mulled wine evening, Freecycle Day, a working bee and more. Watch this space!
  • groups that are active in the road - monthly bookclub, meditation group, neighbourhood watch group at top of road. Others? If you are part of any sort of group in the area, please let us know details. Thank you.


Notes from meeting 21st March, 2012

Present - Quentin, Alan, Alison, Debbie, Heather, Lyn, Roy.   Apologies - Julian

  • We will talk to chairperson of Belmont Residents' Association to foster cooperation and explore areas of mutual interest
  • Further discussion about speeding cars, traffic calming, footpath.  Everyone agrees that at certain times of day it feels quite unsafe walking or cycling on the road and is positively hazardous in some sections, especially for unaccompanied children, family walks and pony club members.  Looked at NZTA requirements for footpaths and traffic calming ideas.  To be discussed further with HCC Traffic Safety Manager, Western Ward Community Committee and Korokoro Residents' Association.  Meanwhile a plea to all local residents to drive slowly in the road.
  • Brainstormed ideas for social gatherings during 2012. 
  • Will progress idea of having a Welcome letter to give to new residents.


2012 Planning meeting

Wednesday 21st March.  7.30 p.m.  Venue - 147 Hill Road.

There is a core group of about 7 people who meet a couple of times a year to plan events in our community and discuss issues that affect residents.  This is an open group and all residents are welcome to participate.  The only necessary qualification is an enthusiasm for community building in our neighbourhood!

If that sounds like you, please come along on the 21st!


Working Bee Sunday 25th September, 2011

Thank you to everyone who turned out last Sunday for our working bee.  A large section of brambles were cleared down by the Belmont Stream at the bottom of our track.  We urge people to take a walk (scramble!) down the track sometime and have a look.  Take some secateurs and trim back the new blackberry growth while you are there! If we manage to keep it down we will soon have a beautiful sitting area and play space for children - lots of lovely bits of stream in which to paddle and explore.  You can also walk upstream and follow the yellow markers.  The path crosses the stream and eventually brings you up to the Belmont Regional Park car park.


Notes from meeting 10th August, 2011.

Present - Alan, Richard, Caitlin, Debbie, Heather, Alison, Roy, Beth


  1. Beth will arrange meeting with Ranger about development and track at 132.  She will advertise meeting so anyone interested can attend. 
  2. Richard talked about asbestos water main in road.  We will try to find out what research shows as to whether this is a potential health risk.
  3. We hope to get the Hutt News to come and report on one of our events. 
  4. Speeding cars in road . Everyone agrees it is a problem and is a common problem everywhere.  Plan to phone Maranatha so they can address issue with parents, and also contact Police and Council to see if anything can be done.  We would like to have a working bee over summer to come up with some creative solutions to the problem e.g. things that make people slow down and look.  An American flyer sums up the problem, and possible solutions, perfectly http://www.peds.org/pdf/Slow_Down_Flyer.pdf



Notes from meeting 7th February, 2011.

Please note that any local resident can join our "committee" which meets in an informal, fun and occasional way to keep the momentum of the Hill Road Community Group going, brainstorm ideas and ensure that this is a fantastic and friendly place to live.  Please email lyn@safe-mail.net if you would like to be a part of the committee.

Present - Heather, Sina, Alison, Debbie, Julian, Lyn, Alan

Discussion on social events for 2011.  Decided to repeat those that were very successful last year and include some others such as - garden tour, bird count, earth hour walk, bush exploration along Belmont Stream, Easter egg and scavenger hunt, recycling white-ware and other household goods day.

February event - Friday 25th - family picnic at Maranatha.

Security - Because of a spate of burglaries in the area we had a discussion about communities that have installed security cameras in their neighbourhoods.  Decided to talk to people in Horokiwi who have done this.

Development at 132 - we would like to landscape this area and provide seating and a gazebo so it becomes a focal meeting point in the road.  Anyone have skills they can volunteer?  We need to speak to Council about permission.

Decision to do another leaflet drop and also prepare a leaflet for estate agents to give to prospective house purchasers.



Notes from meeting 25th August, 2010

Present - Roy, Debbie, Heather, Alan, Alison, Lyn. 

Apologies - Julian, Sina

*Lyn to hold archive file

*Thanks to Heather for perspex on notice board.  Currently we have corflutes donated by Seligs as backing boards on noticeboard.  When these are finished we will puchase a cork board to make it easier to pin up notices.  We will also make a panel, with the website address on, to go under the noticeboard.

*We discussed how to increase participation in social events and the importance of getting to know our neighbours.  More outdoor events and child friendly events will be planned over the spring and summer including environmental projects, looking at security issues in the neighbourhood and encouraging people to invite their neighbours to our monthly socials.

*Following another attempted burglary in the street it seems a good time to have a meeting to brainstorm ideas for increasing safety and security in the area

*Over the summer months we would like to have the following events - family sports, Christmas baking, local history from longtime residents, a barbecue, an open gardens day and a recycling tools, furniture, equipment day

*We are interested in developing the green space near No. 132 with seating, planting etc. and we are discussing how best to go about this


Discussion from the meeting 13th April 2010 re notice board


1 I will measure the board for the size for the perspex. Get approx cost for it and hinges and a catch so it will be reasonably weather proof. We probably have some hinges etc around in our garage.


2 The ideal size for notices need to be A4 or A5 and in very dark large print so as to be visible by those driving past.


3 Who would prepare notices that are not for the Hill Rd community? ie a resident who wants to advertise etc. Would this be entirely up to them?


4 No charge for local residents to advertise or for charitable events etc


5 What length of time should notices be allowed to be on the board? Somethings will have an actual finish date but do we want to restrict other type of notices with a time limit if the board actually becomes crowded?


6 Can we find a source of funds to help pay for the cost of the perspex?


7 How long before any event should we start to advertise?


Anything anyone else can remember from our discussion the other evening re the notice board would be great.  Any other thoughts on this matter.




(for future reference)

200 flyers delivered 25.3.2010 asking for committee self nominations, advertising website and explaining a bit about the group.

Foster Cresc to top of Hill Road = 100 houses

Foster Cresc and Lillian St = 36 houses

Foster Cresc to bottom of Hill Road including Belmont Terrace and Coach Lane = 64 houses


Notes from July 2009 meeting:

We talked a bit about traffic calming and mental speed bumps!  There was a radio interview recently about creative ways to encourage motorists to slow down

check out this website





Speeding is a real issue in Hill Road especially as it is used a lot for recreational purposes - pedestrians with or without children, dog walkers, kids on ponies, cyclists, joggers...For most of its length the road is wide enough for cars to travel fast, but there are big stretches without a footpath.  At our August meeting we are going to prepare some action from the suggestions on the lesstraffic website.  The general idea is to make the street more people friendly and less predictable for drivers e.g. more people out and about, parked cars on the roadside and activity occurring on or near the street puts drivers into a more alert state and takes away some of the sense of entitlement that drivers feel behind the wheel. In residential communities everywhere people have retreated behind fences to make themselves and their children safe.  The result is that cars go even faster.  50 kph is too fast when there are children, walkers and pets around. Obviously safety comes first, but we do need to humanize our streets and reclaim them. Meanwhile here are a few ideas from the "What residents can do" page on the lesstraffic website, but please take a moment and check out the site for yourselves, because it explains it all so much better:

1.  Residents agree to all park their cars in the street.

2.  Put something unusual in your car parking space in the street.  If the space is used to park a car, put something unusual on the car.

3.  Have everyone make a life size portrait of themselves on ply cutouts with articulated joints.  Each week rearrange the "residents" into some simulated group or individual activity.  Take it in turn to "host" them outside your house.  (People are keen to have a workshop to do this)

4.  Take it in turns to decorate the entryway to your street.  Have a street vote at the end of the year for the most creative arrangement.

5.  Mark special occasions for people with something outside their house

6.  Add chairs in various parts of the street - by the noticeboard, on a green space, by the footpath etc.  Decorate them.  Loose chairs are better because they can be rearranged (would obviously need to be heavy types in our windy hills)

7.  Don't get angry with speedsters.  Surprise them by smiling and waving. 

8.  Organize events in the road - live music, giving out food, mini markets, street party, games.

9.  Put self portaits outside houses.  Feature a resident with some personal information.  Progressive poetry - one line outside every tenth house.  Garden the edges of the road and footpaths.

10.  All sound crazy?  Well it is a bit.  But maybe crazy is better than the frustration and anger residents feel when the road feels unsafe for us.

Check out the website.  Bring your ideas to our August meeting.  Share ideas on the Yahoo Group.



Notes from April 2009 meeting


"Notes from Meeting at the Thomsons –144 Hill Road on 24 April 2009

Present Roy, Lyn, John, Julian, Sue, Meg, Debbie, Kay, Beth, Ray, Doug, Matthew.
Sina was called away early on in meeting.
- Topics/Activities for future:

-       book swap, Civil Defence talk , movie, dance at Maranatha School, winter solstice celebration

-       music at Phillip’s

-       wintermarket in place with visibility

-       listening to stories from stalwarts of the Road (Lorna, John Mann, Maitland, John and Jean)

-       planting of native trees with Beth

-       design and build look-out structure on the Grassy Bend, have a seating area for market place at beginning of track

-       another gardening tour

-       develop track onwards to Kilmister block

-       bird monitoring in the Road

-       organise street activities for children (up to 90 years old) eg wheelbarrow race

-Roy mentioned publicity in Hutt News to attract more Hill Road residents and inspire folks in other streets
-Arbor Day is 5 June; planting day with Beth to be on Sunday 7th at 10 at the Pony Club
-Walk planned through Valley (like last year) on Sunday 3 May starting at 10am at the Grassy Bend guided by Doug. If wet on 10th
-Lyn will start page on website for Freecycle
-Winter Solstice Celebration at the Roy and Sue on 26 June with potluck dinner
-Suggest to Philip to have July meeting at his place
-Discussion on having a “Committee” but more a notion of having people coordinating/instigating/initiating/prodding/organising. Roy sees roles for Coordinator, Treasurer (since monies have to be dealt with!), Publicity Officer, Social Coordinator, Webmaster and Sustainability Officer. Lyn is happy to be Webmaster (on Wiki with link to Yahoo). Other   officers: Julian, Debbie,Roy, Doug, Kay and possibly Sina
Next Meeting could be held at Kay’s place"

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